(1) When performing a “Collapse” operation, the folding of a loaded pathway into a single map-reference node, the reference node will be placed at the center of the collapsing pathway. When this pathway is unfolded, it will be placed at the former position.
(2) When using the command “Layout/Apply Pathway-Overview Layout”, the generated graph could until now only be used for the re-positioning of the loaded pathways from the source graph. Now this overview graph is a valid pathway graph (some further testing and perhaps slight changes will be needed). This means, that it is possible save this graph, and re-use it for navigation purposes, e.g. it is now possible to load (unfold) a pathway from this overview graph. This makes it also possible to create a pathway overview for a subset of all pathways. For all pathways the corresponding command from the “Process” could be used, already. Now you could load for example a certain subset of the KEGG pathways. Then select and remove the contained map-nodes. Then use the command “Layout/Apply Pathway-Overview Layout” to generate a overview graph for the loaded pathways.
The Web Start version has been updated, the separate install files will be updated at a later time point.