For the improved processing of “duplicate entries” (multiple entries with the same ID), one command has been extended, and one command has been newly added:
(1) The command “Condense into single entities” in the command group “Process Entities with same ID” (tab “Process”), now considers the current selection. If nodes are selected, only entries, which are related to these nodes will be processed (in case the setting “Limit Scope to Node-Selection” is enabled). This means, that for example by first selecting the nodes of a particular pathway (Edit/Select Pathway-Subgraph...), only duplicate entries of that pathway would be processed.
(2) A new command “Find duplicate entries” (command group “Process Entities with same ID”, tab “Process”), has been added to the program. The command works very similar to the command “Condense into single entities”, for the merging of duplicate entries. This command does not remove multiple entries with the same ID, but only selects them. This way easily multiple entries may be located by the user. By first selecting for example all enzymes, the command will limit the processing to this subset. As a result only duplicate enzymes would be part of the selection, after performing this command.
A new menu command has been introduced: “Window/Combine loaded files”. This command makes it possible to easily combine multiple pathways, loaded from file or from the internet, into a single view. By using this command, all currently loaded pathways will be placed into a single graph window. You may for example use the command “File/Open” to open several files at once (just select all of the pathway files you want to load, then choose “Open”), then issue the described menu command.
No further processing is automatically done, so these pathways probably will overlap, when placed into a single view. To change the initial layout use the menu command “Layout/Separate Pathway-Subgraphs”, or the command “Layout/Apply Pathway-Overview Layout”. The pathways will still be independent (unconnected), although they are placed in a single view. You may change that with the entry-merge operations, described above and in more detail in Tutorial 6.
Besides the Webstart version, also the Windows setup and the Mac OS X installer image have been updated.
Vista Compatibility: When testing RC2 of Windows Vista, it becomes apparent, that the Java Runtime V5 is not compatible with Vista. The beta of Java Runtime V6 may be installed successfully, but launching KGML-ED results in a runtime error, connected to the Windows look-and-feel. So currently KGML-ED does not work on Windows Vista. This probably changes with future updates of the Java Runtime. In case you are in urge to use KGML-ED under Vista, I may modify the program so that it does not use the Windows look-and-feel under Vista, which probably resolves the current problems. But I suppose currently very few or no user of KGML-ED uses Vista beta regularly, but if you are in need for that, please write me.