Tutorial 5: Creation of a Pathway Overview
SOAP-based pathway overview network
The connectivity of the KEGG pathways may be determined with the help of the KEGG API (application programming interface), which works over the internet, based on the SOAP (simple object access protocol) protocol.
To create such network, open the “Process” side-panel. Locate and click the command button “Create Pathway-Map-Overview”. At first the list of KEGG organisms is determined. After selecting the desired organism, the list of pathways for that organism is requested. For each pathway another SOAP call is made to determine the list of related pathways. The resulting network reflects these relations. During processing, for a few pathways the connectivity might not be correctly retrieved. This is due to the special status of that pathway, which might be an overview pathway, or some other kind of pathway diagram, not available to all of the processing commands. Initially the network layout is a grid. You may change the layout (e.g. “Force Directed”) from the “Layout” side-panel.