Installation and start of KGML-ED
KGML-ED may either be installed and started by using the corresponding Web-Start link at the “Installation” page of this website (preferred way), or by downloading and using the Windows setup program, which creates a start menu item, or by opening and copying the Mac OS X disk image and its enclosed program icon to the desired program folder.
Currently there is no Java version with support for Java Web-Start available for 64 bit platforms. For utilizing Java Web-Start with these systems, you need to use the 32 bit Java runtime version.
If you have difficulties to locate the correct Java version from the Sun download page, please look for the term “Java Runtime” on the Sun Java download page (e.g. “Java JRE 6").
Provision of related database files
To comply with different license terms and to enable the users of KGML-ED to use the most recent database files, no database files are directly included in the KGML-ED program files. Instead the program supports the loading of database files from the file system. Please use the menu command “Help/Database Status”, for a list of supported databases, their licenses, download and installation instructions.
KGML File Support
KGML-ED supports the loading and save operations for KGML Pathway files. KGML-ED currently supports the most recent KGML file format, version 0.6.1. The goal during this development was the full support of all aspects and features of this file format. One exception is the “alt” element, which may be optionally included in the “substrate” and “product” elements of a “reaction” (more details on the KGML format: link). This element is ignored during reading of a KGML file and will not be written during a file save operation. All other elements should be available and be correctly processed. As not all aspects of the KGML file format are fully defined and some pathway files contain parts slightly out of the KGML definition KGML-ED may not be able to process some pathway files. In such a case, please send an E-Mail about this problem, a possible error-source might as well be a bug in the software, which could then be more easily located and fixed (see contact page).